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J. McRee (Mac) Elrod

10 July 2014

AACR = Anglo American Cataloguing Rules (1968); AACR2 (1978,
1988, 1998); published jointly by ALA, NLC, and LA

A-G MARCit see MARCit

AGent see MARCit

ACOC = Australian Committee of Cataloguing; member of JSC

ALA = American Library Association

ALCTS = Association for Library Collections & Technical Services; member

AMICUS = "friend" in Latin; the Canadian National Union Catalogue
at LAC

AusMARC = Australian MARC; largely replaced by MARC21

Autocat = An electronic forum for the discussion of all questions
relating to cataloguing and authority control in libraries


BIBCO = The bibliographic record component program of the PCC through
which participants create cataloguing records using mutually agreed
upon standards

Bibframe = Bibliographic coding system designed to replace MARC's
nunber tages with verbal ones, e.g.,

Big Red Books see LCSH

BL = British Library

BNB = British National Bibliography


Catss see MARCit

CC:DA = Committee on Cataloging : Descriptive & Access of ALA, which
develops proposals to JSC

CCC = Canadian Committee on Cataloguing; member of JSC

CDS - Former Cataloging Distribution Service (LC)

CEL = Canadian Electronic Library, an aggrigator of Canadian tradebooks
and Web documents.

CIP = Catalog(u)ing in Publication; data provided by national
cataloguing agencies for printing on the verso of title pages; also
incomplete MARC record based on that data; sometimes pronounced "sip",
but more often "see eye pea"

CLA = Canadian Library Association

CONSER = An international cooperative cataloguing program and component
of PCC ; also used to refer to their
manual (commercial


CPSO = Cataloging Policy & Support Office (LC). now PSD

CSB = Cataloging Service Bulletin (LC) ISSN 0160-8029

DC = Dublin Core (a minimum standard for bibliographic records); also
used for Dewey Decimal Classification, prefer DDC for the

DCRB = Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Books (LC manual); formerly BDRB
(Bibliographic Description of Rare Books).

DCRB is now being replaced by the DCRM series, with DCRM(B) in
use since January 2007, i.e. _Descriptive cataloging of rare materials
(books)_. DCRM(S) for serials and (M) for music are both in the works.
It's a project of the Bibliographic Standards Committee of the Rare
Books and Manuscripts Section of the Association of College and
Research Libraries.

DDC = Dewey Decimal Classification

DLC = Code for the Library of Congress in NUC and the MARC Code List for
Organizations; used in MARC 040 of authority and bibliographic records
created or revised by LC; "D" represents District of Columbia, where
LC is located; DLC is also used to refer to the Depository Library
Council, a group which advises the GPO on the U.S. Federal Depository
Library Program, under which selected U.S. government publications are
sent free to selected libraries.

DOI = Digital object identifier.

EAD see Metadata

ESTC = English Short Title Catalogue; data base hosted by RLG; covers
English language titles published in Great Britain 1473-1800

FAST = OCLC supplied sibkect terms, suitable for keyword
searching but problematic for display and indexing. What would
be subdivisions in LCSH, and separate headings in FAST.

FRAR = Functional Requirements of Authority Records (IFLA)

FRBR = Functional Requirements of Bibliographic Records (IFLA)

FTP = File transfer protocol; method of data transmission via the

GILS see Metadata.

GMD = General Material Designation, coded 245$h. Replaced in RDA
by 226-338 media terms.

GPO = U.S. Government Printing Office; cf. DLC

Green Book/Bible = Rules for Description Cataloging in the Library of
Congress (1949)

GSAFD = Guidelines on Subject Access to Individual Works of Fiction,
Drama, etc. (ALA); When genre term from the list is used in 655,
these lower case initials appear in $2

IFLA = International Federation of Library Associations

ILS = Integrated Library System. A suite of automation programs which
are used to automated the operations of a library, from acquisitions
through cataloguing to circulation. They range from simple freeware
programs which can be downloaded, to expensive systems to be purchased or leased.

IRI = Internationalized resource identifier

ISBD = International Standard Bibliographic Description, from which
the AACR punctuation marks come; initials following in curves indicate
format for which intended, e.g. (G) general, (M) monographs

ISNI = International Standard Name Indentifier (Proposed identier of names)
ISBN = International Standard Book Number (MARC 020)

ISNI = International Standard Name Identifier

ISSN = International Standard Serial Number (MARC 022)

ISTC = International Standard Text Code (Proposal tp allow linking of expressions/manifestations)

JSC = Joint Steering Committee for AACR, now RDA

LA = Library Association (British)

LAC = Library and Archives Canada, formerly NLC

LC = Used for both Library of Congress and Library of Congress
Classification; prefer LCC for the classification; LC's
Online Catalog:

LCC = Library of Congress Classification

LCGFT = Library of Congress Genre/Form Terms

LCCN = Library of Congress Control Number (formerly Library of Congress
Card Number); carried in MARC field 001 in records distributed by CDS
and in MARC field 010 ; also Library of
Congress Cataloging Newsline, the electronic journal of the
Cataloging Directorate

LCNA = Library of Congress Name Authorities maintained jointly with NACO

LCPS = Library of Congress Policy Statements concerning RDA implementation.

LCPCCPS = Joint LC PCC (cf.) RDA Policy Statements concerning RDA

LCRI = Library of Congress Rule Interpretations to AACR2; The British Library,
the National Library of Canada, and the National Library of Australia
also have rule interpretations, which have been combined in AACR2
Decisions & Rule Interpretations published by ALA and CLA. Cf. LCPS.

LCSH = Library of Congress Subject Headings

LITA = Library and Information Technology Association; member of MARBI

Mansell see NUC

MARBI = The ALCTS/LITA/RUSA Machine Readable Bibliographic Information
(ALA) ; nine voting members make decisions concerning MARC21

MARC = Machine Readable Cataloguing, coding for bibliographic
information; MARC21 ("21" for 21st century) currently harmonizes
USMARC, CanMARC, and UKMARC with the loss of UKMARC's 248 for
constituent parts

MARCit = Bibliographic utility featuring authority control owned by
Auto-Graphics, replacing Canada's Catss (formerly Utlas); renamed
AGent; also unrelated software for creating MARC records from websites

MCD = Music Cataloging Decisions (LC)

MeSH = Medical Subject Headings (NLM)

Metadata = Information about data, usually electronic data.

There are many metadata schemes being used for specific tasks by
various groups. Some are as complex as MARC21, FGDC for example.
but most are less complex and use natural language tags rather than

EAD (Encoded Archival Description) is used by the archival community.
It even will accept MARC tags.

GILS (Government Information Locator Service) is used extensively and
is supported by Z39.50.

METS (Metadata Encoding & Transmission) is a bit like RDF in that it
can use many metadata schemes.

There are many others. TEI, PICS and V Card for example. IFLA keeps
quite a long list at:

[Thanks to David Bigwood for agreeing to the addition of these links to
this list; .]

MHCC = MARC Harmonization Coordinating Committee. On August 16, 2002,
in Glasgow, the members of MHCC completed the signing of an agreement
confirming the commitment of the National Library of Canada, the
Library of Congress and the British Library to work together on the
maintenance and development of the MARC21 format.

MRIs = Michael/Mac Rule Interpretations of AACR2 for creation of
RDA compatible records on the Special Libraries Cataloguing website

NACO = Cooperative name authority program component of PCC; responsible
for the NAF

NAF = Name Authority File (LCNA)

NLC = National Library of Canada, now LAC

NLM = National Library of Medicine (U.S.) or National Library of
Medicine Classification (substitutes "W" for LCC's "R" for medicine)

NUC = National Union Catalogue (in both U.S. and Canada); U.S. NUC began
as LC book version of its printed cards; pre 1956 imprints also called
Mansell for its publisher; in microform only post 1983

OCLC = Online Computer Library Center, Inc.; bibliographic utility which
began as Ohio College Library Center; based in Dublin, Ohio;
proprietor of WoldCat and CORC (Cooperative Online Resource Catalog, a metadata creation systems for websites)

ONIX = Online Informatiion Exchange, metadata in XML created by publishers
for sales purposes. Cf. Metadata

OPAC = Onlline Public Access Catalogue

ORCID = Open Researcher and Contributor ID

OWL = Web Ontology Language

PCC = Program for Cooperative Cataloging (LC); comprised of BIBCO,
CONSER, NACO and SACO (q.v.)

PDF = Portable Document Format

PSD = Policy and Standards Division (LC); formerly CPSO

RDA = Resource Description and Access, the replacement for
AACR2 (q.v.) implemented March 31, 2013.

RDF see Metadata

Red Book/Bible = ALA Cataloguing Rules for Author and Title Entries

Red Books see LCSH



RLIN = Bibliographic utility of Research Libraries Group (RLG).
Database absorbed by OCLC.

RSN = Record sequence number; 001 and 010 at LC, 001 and 016 at NLC,
001 in other systems; other system numbers sometimes moved to 035


RDF = Resource Description Framework, a standard for exchange
of data on the Web.
RUSA = Reference User & Services Association; member of MARBI

RVM = Repertoire de vedettes-matiere, Canadian French subject headings

SACO = Subject Authority Cooperative Program component of PCC (LC) for
submitting additions and changes to LCSH

SCM = Subject Cataloging Manual (LC) in three sections:
SCM:SH Subject Headings
SCM:S Shelflisting
SCM:C Classification

SMD = Special Material Designation, a term in collation giving the
carrier name. Called "unit name" in RDA.

SPARQl = Searching web linked data technique.

SQL = Programming language for managing data in a relatinal

SUDOC = Superintendent of Documents (U.S.) classification MARC 086 0

UBC = Universal Bibliographic Control, a program of IFLA

UDC = Universal Decimal Classification, an European scheme which allows
number building to express relationships between subjects

UKMARC = British MARC, to be superseded by MARC21

UniMARC = International MARC (IFLA); less used that MARC21

URI = Universal Resource Identifier

URL = Universal Resource Location

URN = Uniform resource name


Utlas see MARCit

VIAF = Virtual International Authority File, an automated list of names.

WEMI = Work/Expression/Maefestation/Item, the four levels of
description by which RDA is arranged.
Work = basic intellectual or artistic creation
Expression = a version of the work, e.g., a translations
Manifestation - A particularphysical or electronic emobdiment of
of the work, e.g., an edition
Item - a particular instance, e.g., a copy

WLN = Washington/Western Library Network; former bibliographic utility
featuring quality and authority control, absorbed by OCLC

WorldCat see OCLC

WWW = World Wide Web; electronic information network

XML = Markup schema for metadata.