Electronic Resource Cataloguing
J. McRee (Mac) Elrod 21 August 2014
[SLC local practices in brackets]
See also Integrating Resource Cheat Sheet for websites.
Suggested practices:
Create a separate record for print and electronic resources (according to rules (AACR2 1998). This is primarily because the two formats have different GMD (later 336-338) requirements. CONSER (a group which sets standard for serials) allows electronic versions of serials to be added to the print record. If adopted, this one record practice should be limited to serials for which the library has both the print and electronic forms, in order to have a unified holdings record. It should never by used for electronic monographs, particularly since the PCC provider neutral record guide.
The MARC field tags make a good checklist because they are more exact than terms would be.
The current version of MARC used in North America, Australia and increasingly in Europe is MARC21, a harmonization of USMARC. CANMARC and UKMARC, with adaptations for Germany.
MARC records are composed of fixed (same place, same length) and variable fields. Fixed fields are in a Leader, and in fields 006, 007, and 008. In bibliographic utilities and local systems these fixed fields are often broken out into separate named elements for ease of entry. In some software, they are given in small windows within a larger window, one small window for each element. At first fixed fields seem abstruse; soon more common ones will become second nature.
See the bibliographic utility's coding manual or MARC21 for codes not included here.
Fixed Fields
LDR/06 (Type):
a = language material (used for text in electronic form)
k = two-dimensional nonprojectable graphic
m = computer file (limited to computer programs and games)
When a code other than "m" is given in LDR/06 for text or photographs in electronic form, field 006/00 "m" and 007/00 "c" are used to record the computer file aspect; 008 type information is recorded in 006, and
physical characteristics in 007.
With LDR/06 = a, 008/23 = s; with LDR/06 = k, 008/29 = s; to indicate electronic; or o for online vs. q for physically inhouse.
LDR/07 (Bib lvl):
m = monograph
s = serial (see Serials Cataloguing Cheat Sheet)
i = integrating (i.e. a website)
LDR/17 (Enc lvl):
blank = full record item viewed
1 = full record item not viewed
2 = less than full record
i = OCLC full record
k = OCLC less than full
LDR/18 (Des cat form):
006/00 (Additional material or characteristics):
m = computer file/electronic resource
s = serial/integrating resource
Other 008 type information in subsequent positions, e.g.:
09 (see 008 26) d = document
007/00 (Additional physical characteristics):
c = computer file
Physical characteristics may be recorded in subsequent positions.
01 b = chip
01 j = magnetic disk
01 m = magnetic-optical disc
01 o = optical disk
01 r = remote
OCLC asks for oo7/00-05; the PCC PN standard 007-00=01; 007/04 dimensions would be a fill character for remote resources..
008/06 (Date type):
s = single date
c = continuation (see Serial Cataloguing Cheat Sheet)
d = dead serial (see Serial Cataloguing Cheat Sheet)
m = multiple dates
n = unknown (try to use q and guess decade)
q = date in question, e.g. 194u
Most websites would be treated like loose-leaf services, i.e., Date type = "m", date one = beginning date, and date two = "9999".
008/07-10 (Date one):
Year of publication (s), or beginning (m), latest year for all others, e.g., r reprint, t copyright
008/11-14 (Date two):
Year of ending (m)
Use 9999 if still being produced, issued, or revised, earlier year for others, e.g., r reprint, t copyright.
008/15-17 (Country):
Use place of publication or location of website.
at = Australia
optical = England
fr = France
gw = Germany
it = Italy
ja = Japan
States (U.S.):
alu aku azu aru cau cou ctu deu dcu flu gau hiu idu ilu inu iau ksu kyu lau mau mdu meu miu mnu mou msu mtu nbu ncu ndu nhu nju nmu nvu nyu ohu oku oru pau riu scu sdu tnu txu utu vau vtu wau wiu wvu wyu xxu = United States, state unknown
Provinces (Canada):
abc bcc mbc nfc nbc nsc ntc nuc onc pic quc snc ykc xxc = Canada, province unknown
008/18-21 (Illus. for monographs; up to four codes may be used)
a = illustrated
b = maps*
c = ports*
d = charts*
e = plans*
f = plates
g = music*
h = facsims*
i = coats of arms
j = geneological tables
k = forms*
o = photographs
use also in 300 field
008/18 (Frequency for continuations) integrating resource
a = annual
d = daily
k = continuously updated
u = unknown
see MARC221 for other frequency codes
008/19 (Regularity for continuations)
r = regular
u = unknown
see MARC21 for other codes
008/21 (Type of continuation)
m = monographic serial
n = newspaper
p = periodical
w = updating website
008/22 (Form of original continuation)
blank = not microform, etc.
s = electronic
008/23 (Form of item monograph and continuation)
One-character alphabetic code that specifies the form of material for the item.
blank - None of the following
o - Online
q - Direct electronic
s - Electronic
| - No attempt to code
Codes "o" and "q" split the functionality previously covered by the single code "s". This new coding was developed specifically to address concerns over direct access (e.g, a CD-ROM) and remote access filtering of results.
An online resource on CD-ROM would be "q", while an online electronic resource would be coded "o".
008/24 blank
008/25-27 (Cont):
a = abstracts, summaries
b = bibliographies (with 504)
c = catalogs
d = dictionaries
e = encyclopedias
f = handbooks
i = indexes
l = legislation
m = thesis
p = programmed texts
r = directories
s = statistics
008/28 (Govt pub):
blank = not govt. pub.
i = international body (e.g. UNESCO)
f = federal
l = local (towns, counties)
s = state, province
w = website
008/30-33 blank for continuations
008/31 (Index):
0 = no index
1 = index
008/34 (Entry convention for continuation)
0 = successive
2 = integrating
008/35-37 (Lang): language of text or predominate language
eng = English
fre = French
ger = German
spa = Spanish
008/39 (Source):
source of cataloging
blank = DLC
d = local library
Variable Fields
010 LCCN
Originally LC card order number; rarely present for original electronic items.
Key in MARC record with three blank spaces in front, and 0's as needed replacing "-", to equal 8 spaces. If the LCCN for the print version, change 010$a to $z when cataloguing the electronic version.
The PCC provider neutral guide suggests 776$w for print LCCN, q.v.
016 National bibliographic agency control number other than LC
If for the print version, change 016$a to $z when cataloguing the electronic version.
020 ISBN
International Standard Bibliographic Number (ISBN). In MARC record, key without hyphens. If the ISBN for the print version, change $a to $z and qualify as "(print)". Record the eISBN if any in 020$a qualified as "(electronic)". nclude the 10 and 13 digit ISBNs in separate 020s. Older DLC records may have 13 digit ISBN
in 024.
022 ISSN
International Standard Serial Number (ISSN); rarely present for an electronic item, but usually present for a print serial to which an electronic serial might be added. In MARC record, key with central hyphen. Change ISSN for print version to 022$y.
024 Other Standard Number
Use for DOI (Digital Document Identifier). Enter as 024 7 $a<#>$2doi
035 Qualified earlier control number
If editing a print record for an electronic resource. delete. since it refers to the print record.
040 Cataloguing agency
Field 040 says $a who catalogued; $b in which language (LAC records only); $c who made it machine readable; and $d who finished the record. Today originals are usually done in one operation online, but use 040
$aCaBNVSL$cCaBNVSL$dCaBNVSL (substitute your NUC code for SLC's) for original records.
For derived records, leave in $b language code (may be used by a Quebec library to determine display - aka print - constants generated by 246 indicators); repeat the 040$a code in $c if lacking; and add $dCaBNvSL (or your code) at the end. MARC record checking software expects to find at least subfields $a and $c. Remove any existing $d apart from DLC. The order of subfields is 040$a$b$e$c$d.
041 Languages
042 $apcc
[Says record meets minimum PCC standard, but if fact may not. Delete and do not enter.]
Language codes for translated or multilingual works, Since 008/35-37 can contain only one code. See MARC21.
050 LCC
Library of Congress call number (LCC); In MARC record key as 050 2nd indicator 0 (assigned at LC) or 4 (local), e.g.: 050 4 $aAB1234.5$b.D78 1998, or if two Cutters, 050 4 $aAB123.5.C6$bD78 1999. Note period for first Cutter, $b for second, both for one Cutter, but only one of each. In OCLC records often in 090.
052 Local LC copy information.
[955 Canadian FC, KF, PS 8000]
060 NLMC
National Library of Medicine call number.
082 DDC
Dewey Decimal call number (DDC); 2nd indicator 0 if assigned by LC, 4 if local. Omit Cutter. Use " / " to indicate natural breaks. In OCLC records, locally assigned DDC numbers plus Cutter are keyed in 092.
090 Local call number.
MARC tag number varies with system. At SLC coded with slashes for line breaks, e.g.:
090 0 $aAB/1234.5/C6/D78/1998$bMAIN$c1-2$d1-2 ($b = location, $ccopies, $dvolumes)
In some OCLC records keyed like 050 and used for locally assigned LCC numbers. Prefer 050 4 as MARC21 standard.
092 see 082.
100 Personal author
Author; if the work has three or fewer authors (and that is authors, not compilers or editors) the first is given, surname first. A compiler *is* the author of an index or bibliography however. Personal authors are rare for electronic media apart from reproductions; most are mixed responsibility. In MARC records key 1st indicator 1 for surname, e.g.: 100 1 $aSmith, Jones,$d1932- The library's or LC's authority file should be checked for this and all 1XX and 7XX fields to insure uniformity for the same person or body.
With RDA, enter under first author, regardless of number.
110 Corporate author
If the work is the annual report of a corporate body, the report of a task force, or some such, the corporate body is the author. There are fewer corporate bodies as author (main entry) under current rules than earlier.
In MARC records, key 1st indicator 1 for a corporate body which begins with a jurisdiction, 2 for direct order, e.g.: 110 1 $aCanada.$bDept. of State. 110 2 $aCanadian Unitarian Council.
With RDA, entry for a treatise will be first country mentioned.
111 Conference
If what you have is conference proceedings, the name of the conference is the author.
In a MARC record the name is followed by $d(number :$ddate :$cPlace), or if no number, $d(date :$cPlace).
BUT 110$a 2 $aCorporate Name.$bConference$n( ...
130 Uniform title as main entry
If the work is a sacred work such as the Bible, that common title (known as a uniform title) goes in 130. Some sacred works have been digitized and are on the Web.. For the Bible you give language and date. For parts of the Bible you start with Bible, e.g., in a MARC record:
130 $aBible.$pO.T.$pGenesis$lEnglish$f1995
With RDA, "N.T." and "O.T." will be omitted from between Bible and name of book.
240 Uniform title
Uniform title as filing title; only after a 100 or 110. (Both 130 and 240 being called uniform title shows how MARC works as a check list better than words.) For classical music, laws, and very voluminous authors like Shakespeare, most libraries have a title which brings the same works together. To construct one, best look at some in the catalogue for examples (as with 130s). They will be very rare for electronic media. While the uniform title is displayed in square brackets, do not use square brackets for the MARC record.
For SLC, enter the original title of a translation as 246 1 $aTranslation of:, as opposed to 240.
245 Title
The title as in the title frame, or most complete source nearest the material; use a ":$b" before subtitles, "=$b" before a title in another language; followed by "/$c" and up to three authors in present. If more than three, give the first followed by "... [et al.]." (The title is the main entry in this case, i.e., no 100 or 110.) If they did different things, use a ";", e.g. /$ccreated by John Smith ; examples by Tim Jones. Only the first word and proper
names are capitalized.
With RDA. all authors are recorded in 245 /$c regardless of number, and first given is main entry.
If a collection without a collective title, e.g., 100 novels on a Kobo reader, either catalogue as equipment (see Equipment catloguing) or construct a collective title, e.g., 245 00 $a[19th century British novels]. Titles and authors my be given in 505, as opposed to 100 bibliographic records. Cf. 300.
Names of Acts are proper names. All German nouns are capitalized.
In a MARC record, use 1st indicator 0 for title main entry, 1 (for title added entry) if there is a 1XX, 2nd indicator for number of spaces to be skipped in filing, e.g., A = 2, An = 3, and The - 4, because of the space following the initial article, e.g.: 245 04 $aThe North American directory of hermits, churls, and curmudgeons$h[electronic resource] :$ba guide to the reclusive /$cedited by Tom Jones.
It is SLC practice, contrary to MARC21 and RDA, to use ",$bor" for alternate titles.
245$h[general material designation]
In AACR2, if the item is nonbook, a general material designation follows the title proper. It is enclosed in square brackets. (Some old OCLC records will be found without the brackets.) All electronic resources now have the GMD $h[electronic resource]. The GMD $h[interactive multimedia] was proposed, but never adopted.
Some libraries (extra AACR2) qualify the GMD, e.g., $h[electronic resource (CD-ROM)], $h[electronic resource (website)]. When there is a GMD, there should also be an SMD. See 300.
With RDA, no GMD is assigned, by rather media terms in 336-338 (qv).
246 Alternate title
Alternate title which represents the whole work, e.g.: 246 31 $aParallel title 246 14 $aCover title 246 15 $aAdded title page title 246 1 $iAt head of title:$aPhrase at head of title 1st indicator 3 means added entry, no note; 1st indicator 1 means added entry and note; the second indicator says which print constant to use for the
note; if no print constant is available, use $i$a as shown.
247 Former title
Former title of a website, the title of which has changed.
250 Edition
2nd ed., Rev. ed., English ed., ASCII ed. If an author created edition, you would enter after /$b.
RDA change: abbreviate numbers and "ed." only if abbreviated in source.
256 Computer file characteristics
Computer data (# of files), Computer program (# of files).
Prefer field 516.
The PCC provider neutral records guide suggests this field not be used.
260 Imprint. AACR2
260 $aChicago, Ill. :$bUniversity of Chicago,$c2000-
[It is SLC policy to always transcribe of supply jurisdiction, (AACR2 abbreviations or spelled out in RDA records), and not to transcribe postal codes as jurisdictions.]
[If aggregator differs from publisher, this form may be used, e.g: 264 2 $aSaint-Lazare, Quebec :$bCanadian Electronic Library, $c2013. This is particularly appropriate is there is added value which makes the particular electronic version a separate manifestation, e.g., Credo adding audio and video files.]
The PCC provider neutral guide suggests no mention of provider.
Field 264 is repeating, with first indicator for sequence (2 intervening, 3 current); second for function (0 production, 1 publication, 2 distribution, 3 manufacture, 4 copyright.
300 Collation
When there is a GMD, there is required for physical items, and best for all items, an SMD (specific material designation) following the number, e.g., for a CD-ROM:
300 $a1 CD-ROM :$bcol. ill. ;$c4 1/2 in.
Older records have 1 computer optical disc. and prior to that, computer laser optical disc.
It is best to always supply a 300 in order to have an SMD., e.g.:
300 $a1 website (text, animated col. ill. ) :$bdigital files.
RDA: 300$a1 website :$bannimated colour illustrations
300 $a1 electronic text (<#> p. : ) :$bdigital file.
RDA: 300 $a1 PDF (<#> pages) :$billustrated.
300 $a1 streaming video (30 min.) :$bcol. :$bdigital file.
RDA: 300 $a1 streaming video file (30 min.) :$bcolor
300 $a1 sound file
300 $a1 spreadsheet (10 columns)
For text and sound contained in electronic devices for circulation, see Equipment cataloguing. Some prefer to catalogue the content of electronic readers and players, with equipment carrier in 300$c.. A title may be constructed for a collection without a title (cf. 245).
As mentioned, the PCC provider neutral record guide suggests "1 online resource" followed by collation of original in curves for electronic monographs, e.g., 300 $a1 online resource (# p.) :$billustrations. The term "online resource" would duplicate RDA/MARC21 338, and is not specific enough; use "PDF", "website", "streaming video", "computer program", etc.
Use the popular term for new physical media, e.g.: 300 $a1 compact flash chip (200 photographs) :$bdigital file. 300 $a1 miniCD-ROM (colour illustrations) ;$c6 x 8 cm If the miniCD-ROM says "Business card CD-R", or "Shaped CD-R" on the item or container, give as a 500 quoted note.
Describe the item in the SMD (RDA unit name), not the content, e.g. have "map" or "maps" in curves following the SMD/unit name, not as the SMD, for a PDF file of map(s); AACR2 mixed examples not withstanding.
Older records often lack 300 for remote electronic resources. Cf. field 516.
Exact SMDs (RDA unit name) are advised in most cases, not the too general PN "online resource" advised for e-books; "electronic text" with AACR2. and "PDF" with RDA should be used to distinguish e-books from websites. web games . streaming videos, etc.
RDA introduces 336-338 replacing 245$h.
For ILSs not displaying 336-338, SLC will export as a compound 245$h, 245$h[338 carrier : 336 content], e.g., 245$h[online resource : text]. 337 will not be exported.
For 336-338, only those terms relevant to electronic resources are given.
336 Content
Fortunately we catalogue very little cartographic material, we we will not be affected by that too wordy list of terms. As usual, music cataloguers have achieved a sensible, patron friendly, list of terms.
Follow each term with $2rdacontent
cartographic dataset
cartographic image
computer dataset
computer program
notated movement
performed music
spoken word
still image
337 Media Type
We've substituted ISBD Area 0 "Electronic" for RDA's "Computer". Our patrons would think we were describing a piece of equipment, if we used that term. We would only export 337 on request.
337 $aelectronic$2isbdmedia
338 Carrier Type
Follow each term with $2rdacarrier
Computer [electronic] carriers
computer card
computer chip cartridge
computer disc
computer disc cartridge
computer tape cartridge
computer tape cassette
computer tape reel
online resource
347 File characteristics.
Cf 300$b and 516. [Do not code.]
4XX Series
Websites are rarely part of a series, but CD-ROMS and PDFs often are.
440 Series as on item and traced (obsolete)
490 Series as on item.
Beginning June 1, 2006, the US Library of Congress is coding all series as 490 0.
It has been SLC policy since January of 1979 to have no 490 0 in bibliographic records. (Some but not all SLC customers index 490 in their series and/or title indexes, making access uneven between customers.) When you encounter a 490 0, and it contains no subject word, or a responsible corporate body or person, e.g., "Penguin
books", change the 490 0 to a 500 quoted pseudo series statement.
If the 490 0 transcribed series statement contains a subject word, e.g., "Studies in chemistry", change the 490 0 to 490 1, and enter the series in 830 with 2nd filing indicator 0-4. If the series title is generic, e.g., "Report" or "Works", and has been established in either the LC or LAC authority files, add the name of the responsible
body or person in curves.
Provide ";$v" issue number or year as relevant. Include ISSN in $x if available.
All series changed from 490 0 will be under title; SLC will not create 800/810/811. for current LC derived or original cataloguing. Those headings in legacy and Amicus records will be left unchanged, but 830 for the 8XX$t will be added for the benefit of customers who do not index 8XX$t.
500 Notes
General notes. There are also specific notes. As a beginner, if you see something which seems helpful on the title page, just quote it, e.g., 500 $a"Your complete information resource."
Some other common notes include:
502 Thesis, e.g., Thesis (PhD)--Podunk University, 1995.
503 Bibliographic history
Now obsolete in MARC21, but still used by SLC, e.g., for the earlier publisher of a website.
504 Includes bibliographical references (p. ) and index.
But if index only, 500 $aIncludes index.
If creating an electronic record from the record for the print version, and the PDF lacks the incex, remove " an index".
505 Contents
Cut and pasted contents from a PDF table of contents greatly increases the use of the item due to keyword search.
506 Restrictions on access.
If access is limited, it may be noted here, e.g., Access limited to faculty and registered students of X Institution.
Restricted to subscribers or individual electronic text purchasers.
Such restrictions are applied by the vendor when a paid license is required for use of the resource.
The PCC provider neutral record guide suggests that this field not be used, since it may vary from provider to provider.
508 Non cast credits
510 Citation/References
Some find where the material is indexed helpful, one indexer per 510.
511 Cast credits
516 Type of computer file
e.g., Text (Law reports), Numeric (Statistics).
518 Where and when an event was held
520 Summary or Abstract.
Our clients tell us that inclusion of summaries or abstracts increases use due to keyword searching. But if quoting with "--", we attempt to screen out publisher's "puff" adjectives substituting "...", and just include the parts which actually tell you something about the item. When cataloguing an electronic resource from a PDF, there is often a summary or abstract which can be cut and pasted.
525 How updated, e.g., Additional material added monthly.
530 Other version available
If the electronic resource you are cataloguing also exists in print form, that could be noted here, e.g.:
530 $aAlso available in print from .
533 Reproduction.
If the original version is described in 1XX-4XX (following LC practice), the imprint information of the electronic reproduction is given here. That is contrary to AACR2 and Library and Archives Canada practice, as well as SLC preferred practice. The provider of electronic monographs and records ebrary still uses 533 for electronic
The PCC provider neutral record guide suggest that this field not be used.
534 Original version.
If the electronic resource you are cataloguing is a reproduction of a print version, the print version imprint information may be given here.
See also 776.
The PCC provider neutral record guide suggest the original be described in linking field 776 (q.v.), even if the print record is not in the catalogue for linking. Field 530 for the availability of the print version is more suited to most OPACs.
538 Systems details note.
Records the requirements for use, e.g.:
538 $aRequires IBM 360 or 370; 9K bytes of internal memory; OS SVS and OSM VS.
538 $aLinks require Internet access and Adobe Acrobat Reader.
538 $aMode of Access: World Wide Web.
For an online resource, the URL may be in 538$u. See also 856.
Most libraries prefer this as first note.
The PCC provider neutral record guide suggests that this field not be used, since it might differ among providers.
540 Restrictions on use
Restrictions on use once access has been gained. It might be best to not use this field, but rather record all restrictions in 506, particularly if notes are arranged in tag order in your OPAC. The numbering sequence given notes by MARBI (the group earlier responsible for MARC) bear no resemblance to AACR, RDA or common sense.
The PCC provider neutral record guide would not have 506 or 540.
546 Languages
eg., Text in English and French.
588 Source of description.
For example, "Title from container.", "Last issue consulted: ...".
6XX Subjects.
In MARC records, subject subdivisions have subfield codes: $xTopic, $yPeriod, $zPlace, $vGenre.
600 Person as subject
In same format as person as 100 author.
610 Corporate body as subject
including governments. In same format as 110.
611 Conference as subject.
In same format as 111.
630 Uniform title as subject.
650 Topic as subject
650 0 $aChemistry$vElectronic information resources.
650 0 $aChemsitry$xPeriodicals$v$vElectronic information resources.
651 Place as subject
But not governments, e.g.:
651 0 $aCanada$xHistory$y1755-1763$vElectronic information resources.
653 Key words
Often authors assign keywords, sometimes at the end of the abstract. These may be recorded in 653, one term per occurrence.
655 Genre
What the item is, e.g.:
655 0 $aElectronic books.
If the genre has been established as an LCGFT code as:
655 7 $a.$2lcgft
700 Person as added entry
e.g., additional authors editors.
With RDA, number of added author entries is not restricted.
710 Corporate body as added entry.
Same format as 110.
The PCC provider neutral record guide suggests no added entry for provider.
711 Conference as added entry.
Same format as 111.
740 Title added entry
Now in MARC titles which represent the whole work are coded 246, while titles which represent part of the work or a related work, are here.
776 Additional physical form entry
776 $c(Original)$z
The PCC provider neutral record guide suggests that the print original of an electronic reproduction be recorded here. If the full form is not desired, it may be abbreviated, e.g.:
776 $c(Original)$z, with LCCN justified as in 010.
776$w LCCN
After $w and "(DLC)", proper format includes either 2-spaces, or 3-spaces before LCCN entry starts depending on when LCCN was assigned. Here is what we have in our Bibliographic Formats and Standards on this:
Post-2000 LCCN format:
1. Always input DLC enclosed within parentheses.
2. Input two leading blank spaces between the symbol (DLC) and the year information, if the LCCN has no prefix. If the LCCN has a two-character prefix, input no blank spaces between the prefix and the year numbers.
3. Input the four-digit year information.
4. Do not input a hyphen.
5. Input the six-digit number. Input leading zeros where necessary.
Pre-2001 LCCN format:
1. Always input DLC enclosed within parentheses.
2. Input three leading blank spaces between the symbol (DLC) and the year numbers if the LCCN has no prefix. If the LCCN has a prefix of fewer than three characters, leave the appropriate number of blank spaces following the prefix.
3. Input the two-digit year information.
4. Do not input a hyphen.
5. Input the six-digit number. Input leading zeros where necessary.
6. Do not input trailing blank following the number. (If trailing blank is input, the OCLC system removes it.)
7. Do not input alphabetic identifiers and/or revision dates.
830 Series entered in catalogue.
Series as in the resource s in 490 1st indicator 1, and series tracing is here. PCC advises using the print version of the series, and not qualifying as "(Electronic)" or "(Online)".
856 Electronic location and access.
First indicator:
0 = e-mail
1 = FTP
2 = Telnet
3 = Dial-up
4 = HTTP
7 = Method given in $2
Second indicator:
0 = Resource
1 = Version of resource (used when added to record for print version)
2 = Related resource
8 = No display constant
$a = Host
$b = Access number
$c = Compression information
$d = Path
$f = Electronic name
$g = Uniform resource name (URN)
$h = Processor of request
$i = Instruction
$j = Bits per second
$k = Password
$l = Logon
$m = Contact for access assistance
$n = Name of location of host
$o = Operating system
$p = Port
$q = Electronic format type
$r = Settings
$s = File size
$t = Terminal emulation
$u = Uniform resource locator (URL)
$v = Hours of access
$w = Record control number
$x = Nonpublic note
$z = Public note
$2 = Access method (other than provided in 1st indicator)
$3 = Material specified
$6 = Linkage
$8 = Field link and sequence number
Many libraries would use only subfield $u, since the URL would contain all the information required for access. Many libraries are now making this a live link, so that clicking on it will take the patron directly to the electronic text or website.
The PCC provider neutral record guide suggests that the print original of an electronic reproduction be recorded here. If the full form is not desired, it may be abbreviated, e.g.:
With References to PCC Provider Neutral MARC Record Guide and other guides.
Comments on the PCC Guide:
The provider neutral e-monograph MARC record guide (combining electronic SMD with collation of original) is a giant step forward from the strange mix of carrier and content SMDs in AACR2 samples. It is also a return to AACR2 in cataloguing the item in hand not using 533. The advice not to use 256 computer file characteristics is also good.
But its provisions differ in some ways from those SLC clients have come to prefer.
The provision for 020 ISBN agrees with SLC practice: 020$a for the electronic ISBN, and 020$z for the print ISBN. MARC21 has the same provision for 010 LCCN, but that practice is not suggested. The Guide
suggests print LCCN be entered in 776$w. The Guide also advises against the use of 530 for other format availability, which our clients like.
Where there can be electronic vendor added value, making the electronic version a different edition from the same work provided by another vendor, we have found combining the print and electronic imprint information helpful; the print publisher in 264 1 $a$b$c, and the electronic publisher in 264 2 or 3 (depending on whether the body manufactured or distributed the tesource) $a$b$c. This is of course not a provider neutral record, since there would be only one provider of such an enhanced resource.
The SMD "online resource" is too general, applying to electronic texts, websites, computer games, streaming video, etc. The use of the term "online resource" duplicates that term in MARC21 338 carrier type, and will be redundant when that field is entered. The carrier type and SMD terms need not agree, e.g., "computer disc" in 338, and "CD-ROM" in 300. [SLC uses "elecctronic text" as SMD in AACR2 records, "PDF" as unit name in RDA records.]
Our clients find cut and pasted 505 contents, and 520 abstracts, to be valuable, increasing the use of remote electronic resources, due to the popularity of keyword searching.
If there is a PDF that appears to be image only, and you can't copy text to paste into the bib record, in Adobe Acrobat, if you click on "Document" then "OCR Text= recognition", then "Recognize text using OCR" it will go through a process = to make most of the document able to be copied. It usually takes about a munute per 100 pages.
Our clients find keywords assigned by authors to be helpful. We give them in repeating 653.
At 830 series, the OCLC non acceptance of $xISSN is given as a reason for not giving that information. We don't think nonstandard OCLC limitations should determine cataloguing agency practice.