Form Subdivisions
J. McRee (Mac) Elrod
26 July 2011
List of subdivisions to be changed to $v *if* they are the last in the chain. For example, in $xMaps$vBibliography, Maps would remain $x since what one has is a bibliography and not a map. Notice that a few are given as double $v in the list, e.g., $vAutographs$vFacsimilies, since they would still be autographs.
$v2-harpsichord scores
$v2-piano scores
$v3-piano scores
$vAbbreviations of titles
$vAerial photographs
$vAerial views
$vAmateurs' manuals
$vApologetic works
$vAudiotape catalogs
$vBathymetric maps
$vBibliography$xFirst editions
$vBibliography$xFolios. [number]
$vBibliography$vGraded lists
$vBibliography$vMicroform catalogs
$vBiography$vCaricatures and cartoons
$vBiography$vPictorial works
$vBook reviews
$vBooks and reading
$vCD-ROM catalogs
$vCaricatures and cartoons
$vCase studies
$vCatalogs and collections
$vCatalogs, Manufacturers'
$vCatalogues raisonnes
$vCensus, [date]**
$vChapel exercises
$vCharters, grants, privileges
$vCharts, diagrams, etc.
$vChildren's sermons
$vChord diagrams
$vChorus scores with piano
$vChorus scores without accompaniment
$vCode numbers
$vCode words
$vComic books, strips, etc.
$vCommercial treaties
$vCompact disc catalogs
$vComparative studies
$vComposition and exercises
$vConcordances, [Language]$x[Version]
$vControversial literature
$vConversation and phrase books
$vConversation and phrase books for [group]**
$vConversation and phrase books$x[Language]
$vConversation and phrase books$xPolyglot
$vCopies, Curious
$vCross references
$vCross-cultural studies
$vData tape catalogs
$vDesigns and plans
$vDevotional literature
$vDictionaries, Juvenile
$vDictionaries, Juvenile$x[Language]
$vElectronic information resources
$vEncyclopedias, Juvenile
$vExaminations, questions, etc.
$vExcerpts, Arranged
$vExercises for dictation
$vFake books
$vFilm and video adaptations
$vFilm catalogs
$vFilms for [Language] speakers
$vFilms for foreign speakers
$vFiring regulations
$vGift books
$vGlossaries, vocabularies, etc.
$vGlossaries, vocabulaties, etc.$x[Language]
$vGlossaries, vocabularies, etc.$xPolyglot
$vHandbooks, manuals, etc.
$vHarmonies, [Language]
$vIndex maps
$vInstruction and study
$vInstruction and study$xJuvenile
$vInstructive editions
$vInstrumental settings
$vInteractive multimedia
$vInterlinear translations
$vInterlinear translations, [Language]
$vInterpretation and construction
$vJob descriptions
$vJuvenile drama
$vJuvenile fiction
$vJuvenile films
$vJuvenile humor
$vJuvenile literature
$vJuvenile poetry
$vJuvenile software
$vJuvenile sound recordings
$vLaboratory manuals
$vLead sheets
$vLegislative history
$vLife skills guides
$vLists of vessels
$vLiterary collections
$vLiturgical lessons, [Language]
$vLongitudinal studies
$vMaps for children
$vMaps for the [group]**
$vMaps, Comparative
$vMaps, Manuscript
$vMaps, Mental
$vMaps, Outline and base
$vMaps, Physical
$vMaps, Pictorial
$vMaps, Topographic
$vMaps, Tourist
$vMaps$yEarly works to 1800
$vMarginal readings
$vMethods ([Musical form])**
$vMethods$vGroup instruction
$vMicroform catalogs
$vMusical settings
$vNomenclature (Popular)
$vNon-commissioned officers' handbooks
$vNotebooks, sketchbooks, etc.
$vNotebooks, sketchbooks, etc.$vFacsimiles
$vObservers' manuals
$vOfficers' handbooks
$vOutlines, syllabi, etc.
$vPapal documents
$vParallel versions, [Language]
$vParaphrases, [Language]
$vParodies, imitations, etc.
$vParts (solo)
$vPastoral letters and charges
$vPerformance records
$vPersonal narratives
$vPersonal narratives, [Nationality, etc.]**
$vPetty officers' handbooks
$vPhonetic transcriptions
$vPhotographs from space
$vPiano scores
$vPiano scores (4 hands)
$vPictorial works
$vPicture Bibles
$vPopular works
$vPrayer-books and devotions
$vPrayer-books and devotions$x[Language]
$vPrivate bills
$vProblems, exercises, etc.
$vProgrammed instruction
$vQuotations in the New Testament
$vQuotations, maxims, etc.
$vReaders for new literates
$vRecords and correspondence
$vReference editions
$vRegisters of dead
$vRelief models
$vRemote-sensing images
$vRemote-sensing maps
$vReverse indexes
$vRoad maps
$vRules and practice
$vSafety regulations
$vSailors' handbooks
$vScores and parts
$vScores and parts (Solo)
$vSermons$vOutlines, syllabi, etc.
$vSimplified editions
$vSolo with [instrument(s)]**
$vSongs and music
$vSound recordings for [Language] speakers
$vSound recordings for foreign speakers
$vSpeeches in Congress
$vStage guides
$vStatistics, Medical
$vStatistics, Vital
$vStories, plots, etc.
$vStudies and exercises
$vStudies and exercises ([Musical form])**
$vStudies and exercises$vJuvenile
$vStudy guides
$vTeaching pieces
$vTelephone directories
$vTelephone directories$vYellow pages
$vTerms and phrases
$vTextbooks for [Language] speakers
$vTextbooks for foreign speakers
$vTextbooks for foreign speakers$x[Language]
$vThematic catalogs
$vTranslations into [Language]
$vTravel regulations
$vTrials, litigation, etc.
$vUnion lists
$vVideo catalogs
$vVideo recordings for [group]**
$vVideo recordings for [Language]
$vVocal scores with [instument]**
$vVocal scores without accompaniment
$vZoning maps
*Where [Language] is inverted or in a phrase, it is safe to program "*". For $x[Language], however, in our file check for $xEnglish, French, German, Italian, Chinese, and Japanese, and flip the preceding form subdivision to $v, leaving the language $x. When other $x subdivisions (e.g., $xHistory and criticism) follow a form subdivision, leave the form subdivision $x. Other collections would of course have to add other languages.
**It is safe to program "*" for the variable term or phrase.
***After Readers, check for $xHistory and criticism, and leave $xReaders. For all other subdivisions after $xReaders, flip to $vReaders.