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Kit Cataloguing


5 November 2015

[SLC local practices bracketed]

When an item consists of more than one media, usually one is more prominent than the other, e.g., a book with an accompanying CD-ROM, or a CD with an accompanying manual. Catalogue the predominant item with a 300 +$e for the less prominent. You may also add an 006 (for the 008 values you would have given the accompanying item had you catalogued it instead), and an 007 for its physical characteristics.

When you have an item which has three or more media, intended to be used jointly, and no one is prominent, then catalogue as a kit. The AACR2 245$h is [kit] ("[interactive multimedia]" was never in AACR, and is no longer used; it was most often used for interactive CD-ROMs which are now [electronic resources]).

[In RDA, SLC uses 338 $akit$2localcarrier to avoid a long list of carriers.]

If entereing multiple 33X, indicate to which item in the kit a term applies is $3, e.g.:

338 $3book$avolume$2rdacarrier
338 $3CD-ROM$scomputer disc$2rdacarrier

[SLC treats as kits resources with multiple pieces to be manipulated, regardless of number of genre, since they need to be housed as are other kits.]

The 300 could be 300 $a1 kit (various pieces) :$bcolour ;$cin container .... wit items lists in 505 if multiple genre, described in 520 if a pieces of the same material. Paging. size, playing time, etc. should be given in curves following the title in 505. Distinctive titles should also be in 740s.

The MARC field tags make a good checklist because they are more exact than terms would be.

The current version of MARC used in North America, Australia and increasingly in Europe is MARC21, a harmonization of CANMARC and USMARC. MARC records are composed of fixed (same place, same length) and variable fields. Fixed fields are in a Leader, and in fields 006, 007, and 008. In bibliographic utilities and local systems these fixed fields are broken out into named fields for ease of entry. In some software, they are named in windows for each field. At first fixed fields seem abstruse. Soon the more common ones will become second nature.

See the bibliographic utility's coding manual or MARC21 for codes not included here, as well as further explanation and examples.

Fixed Fields

Type (LDR/06):
o = kit
or is some cases
p - mixed materials

Bib lvl (LDR/07):
m = monograph

Enc lvl (LDR/17):
0 = full record item viewed

Descriptive form (LDR/18)
a = AACR
i = ISBD (use with RDA)

Additional material or characteristics 006/00
p = mixed material
Apart from 00 other subfields not defined

Additional physical characteristics 007/00
o = kit
Date type (008/06):
s = single date
c = continuation (see Serial Cataloguing Cheat Sheet)
d = dead serial (see Serial Cataloguing Cheat Sheet)
m = multiple dates
n = unknown (try to use q and guess decade)
q = date in question, e.g. 194u
Most kits would be s single date

Date one (008/07-10):
year of publication (s), or beginning (m)

Date two (008/11-14):
year of ending (m)
use 9999 if still being produced, issued, or revised

Country (008/15-17) (Use place of publication or location of website)
at = Australia
enk = England
fr = France
gw = Germany
it = Italy
ja = Japan

States (U.S.):
alu aku azu aru cau cou ctu deu dcu flu gau
hiu idu ilu inu iau ksu kyu lau mau mdu meu
miu mnu mou msu mtu nbu ncu ndu nhu nju nmu
nvu nyu ohu oku oru pau riu scu sdu tnu txu
utu vau vtu wau wiu wvu wyu
xxu = United States, state unknown

Provinces (Canada):
abc bcc mbc nfc nkc nsc ntc nuc onc pic quc snc ykc
xxc = Canada, province unknown

Illus (008/18-21):
Up to four codes may be used for monographs, 3 for serials.
a = illustrated
b = maps*
c = ports*
d = charts*
e = plans*
f = plates
g = music*
h = facsims*
i = coats of arms*
j = geneal tables*
k = forms*
m = soundrecording
o = photographs
p = illuminations

* use also in 300 field if there is a physical carrier

Form of item (008/23)
0 = None of the following

Cont 008/24-27):
a = abstracts, summaries
b = bibliographies (with 504)
c = catalogs
d = dictionaries
e = encyclopedias
f = handbooks
i = indexes
l = legislation
m = thesis
p = programmed texts
r = directories
s = statistics
Kits rarely contain any of these.

Govt pub (008/28):
blank = not govt. pub.
i = international body (e.g. UNESCO)
f = federal
l = local (towns, counties)
s = state, province

Index (008/31):
0 = no index
1 = index

Lang (008/35-37):
language of text or predominate language
eng = English
fre = French
ger = German
spa = Spanish

Source (008/39):
source of cataloging
blank = DLC
d = local library

Variable Fields

010 LC card order number; rarely present for kits, but sometimes for in an indluced book. Key in MARC record with three blank spaces in front, and 0's as needed replacing "-" to equal 8 spaces.

020 International Standard Bibliographic Number (ISBN); rarely present for kits, but sometimes for an included book. In MARC record, key without hyphens. Qualify in curves, e.g., "(manual)".

022 International Standard Serial Number (ISSN); rarely present for an electronic item, but usually present for a print serial to which an kit.

040 The order of subfields is 040$a$b$e$c$d, e.g.: 040 @aCaBNVSL$beng$drda$cCaCaBNVSL

Which means SLC catalogued the item in English, using RDA, and created the machine record. Anyone later revising the record would be in $d.


Language codes for translated or multilingual works, Since 008/35-37 can contain only one code. See MARC21.


Library of Congress call number (LCC); In MARC record key as 050 2nd indicator 0 (assigned at LC) or 4 (local), e.g.: 050 4 $aAB1234.5$b.D78 1998, or if two Cutters, 050 4 $aAB123.5.C6$bD78 1999. Note period for first Cutter, $b for second, both for one Cutter, but only one of each.

[055 Canadian FC, KF, and PS 8000]


National Library of Medicine call number.


Dewey Decimal call number (DDC); 2nd indicator 0 if assigned by LC, 4 if local. Omit Cutter. Use " / " to indicate natural breaks. On OCLC locally assigned DDC numbers plus Cutter are keyed in 092.


Local call number; MARC tag number varies with system. [At SLC coded with slashes for line breaks, e.g.: 090 0 $aAB/1234.5/C6/D78/1998$bMAIN$c1-2$d1-2 ($b = location, $ccopies, $dvolumes)] On OCLC keyed like 050 and used for locally assigned LCC numbers.


See 082.


Author; if the work has three or fewer authors (and that is authors, not compilers or editors) the first is given, surname first. A compiler *is* the author of an index or bibliography however. Personal authors are rare for kits; most are mixed responsibility. In MARC records key 1st indicator 1 for surname, e.g.: 100 1 $aSmith, Jones,$d1932- [The library's or LC's authority file should be checked for this and all 1XX and 7XX fields to insure uniformity for the same person or body.]


The title as on the container. or most complete source within the material, e.g., a manual. Use a ":$b" before subtitles, "=$b" before a title in another language; followed by "/$c" and up to three authors in present. If more than three, give the first followed by "... [et al.]." (The title is the main entry in this case, i.e., no 100.) If they did different things, use a ";", e.g. /$ccreated by John Smith ; examples by Tim Jones. Only the first word and proper names are capitalized. Names of Acts are proper names. All German nouns are capitalized. In a MARC record, use 1st indicator 0 for title main entry, 1 (for title added entry) if there is a 1XX, 2nd indicator for number of spaces to be skipped in filing, e.g., A = 2, An = 3, and The - 4, because of the space following the initial article, e.g.: 245 04 $aThe North American kit for hermits, churls, and curmudgeons$h[kit] :$bactivities for the reclusive /$ccollected by Tom Jones.


If the item is nonbook, a general material designation follows the first title proper in AACR2. It is enclosed in square brackets. (Some older records may be found without the brackets.)

All kits have the gmd $h[kit]. The gmd $h[game] is used for games, and [toy] for toys, which are boxed somewhat like kits. The gmd [interactive multimeda] was never officially adopted.

If an item has pieces to by manipulated by the patron, e.g., as an educational aid, consider it a kit even if all pieces are of the same material, contrary to the AACR2 definiition of kit. The gmd [realia] should be reserved for real object, e.g., a real life sixe crash test dummy, not a doll size ones with model cars.

RDA change: Omit 245$h; enter 336-338 (see at end)

When there is a gmd, there is also an smd for physical items. See 300.


Alternate title which represents the whole work, e.g.: 246 31 $aParallel title 246 14 $aCover title 246 15 $aAdded title page title 246 1 $iAt head of title:$aPhrase at head of title 1st indicator 3 means added entry, no note; 1st indicator 1 means added entry and note; the second indicator says which print constant to use for the note; if no print constant is available, use $i$a as shown.


Edition, e.g., 2nd ed., Rev. ed., English ed., ASCII ed. If an author created edition, you would say so after /$b.

260 (AACR2) or 264 (RDA)

Imprint, e.g.:

260 $aChicago, Ill. :$bUniversity of Chicago,$c2000.

264 1 $aChicago, Illinois :$bUniversity of Chicago,$c2013.

Always supply jurisdiction in lacking, AACR2 abbreviations, or spelled out in RDA records. Do not transcribe postal codes.]


Collation. If only a few items they may be listed with multiple smds: 300 $a1 book, 1 sound cassette, 1 poster, 12 coloured pins ;$cin box 23 x 23 x 18 cm. If more complicated, the smd kit may be used with contents listed in 505: 300 $a1 kit (various pieces) ;$bcolour ;$cin box 23 x 23 x 18 cm

336-338 RDA content, media type, and carrier terms.

Because kits comprise a variety in all three categories, multiple terms mzy be needed, unless the single term "kit" is used, e.g.L

338 $akit$2local

See at end for examples and lists of terms.


Series when the form on the kit agrees with the form to be used in the catalogue. Now obsolete.


Series differing from the way it is entered in the catalogue. 1st indicator 1 in the MARC record means traced form is in 830. Don't use 490 0, untraced series; instead quote in 500, e.g., "A Scholastic kit." A series with a subject word would be 440 or 490 1, without in a quoted 500.


General notes. There are also specific notes. As a beginner, if you see something which seems helpful on the item, just quote it, e.g., 500 $a"an educational and entertaining resource for parents." --container.

Some other common notes include:


Contents, e.g.: 505 0 $a1 manual (100 pages) -- 2 sound cassettes (50 min. each) -- 3 posters (31 x 20 cm) -- 4 maps (28 x 28 cn) -- 12 coloured pins.


Language, e.g., Text in English and French.

Subjects. In MARC records, subject subdivisions have subfield codes $xTopic, $yPeriod, $zPlace, $vGenre.


Person as subject, in same format as person as author.


Topic as subject, e.g.:

650 0 $aChemistry$vPeriodicals.
650 0 $aChemistry$xPeriodicals$vBibliography.


Place as subject (but not governments), e.g.: 651 0 $aCanada$xHistory$y1755-1763.


Person as added entry, e.g., the 2nd and 3rd of three authors, the first of more than three, editors.


Corporate body as added entry.


Title added entries. (Now in MARC titles which represent the whole work are coded 246, while titles which represent part of the work or a related work, are here.) If some of the items listed in 505 have distinctive titles, they would be given in 740s.


Series entered in catalogue differently than on item. Series as on item is in 490 1st indicator 1, and series as entered in the catalogue is here.

336-338 RDA Content, Media Type, and Carrier Terms

If not using "mixed" as content, and "kit" as carrier, use repeating 33X with initial $3 to incicate to which item in the kit the term applies.

For example, using RDA's type terms for a kit consisting of a booklet, a set of picture cards, a musical CD, and a DVD:

336 $3booklet$atext$2rdacontent
336 $3cards$astill image$2rdacontent
336 $3CDaperformed music$22rdacontent
336 $3DVD$atwo-dimentsional moving image$2rdacontent
337 $3booklet,cards$aunmediated$2rdamedia
337 $3CD$aaudio$2rdamedia
338 $3DVDed$a$aprojected$2rdamedia
338 $3booklet$avolume$2rdacarrier
338 $3cards$acard$2rdacarier
338 $3CD$aaudio disc$2rdacarrier
338 $3DVD$avideo disc$2rdacarrier


338 $akit$2local carrier

List of RDA content, media, and carrier terms

336 Content type

Follow each term with $2rdaontent, except "large print text" $2localcontent.

Use repeating 336 for each type of content in a kit, although MARC21 allows repeating $a; separate 336's are needed to allow initial $3 to indicate to which item in the kit a term applies.

cartographic dataset }
cartographic image } [SLC exports "cartographic"*
cartographic moving image } unit name is specific term.]
cartographic tactile image }
cartographic tactile three-dimensional form }
cartographic three-dimensional form }
computer dataset
computer program
[large print text]
notated movement
notated music
performed music
spoken word
still image [unit name is more specific term, e.g., "engraving", "painting".]
tactile image }
tactile notated } [SLC exports "tactile"*;
tactile notated movement } unit name is specific term.]
tactile text }
tactile three-dimensional form }
three-dimensional form [SLC exports "form".]
three-dimensional moving image [SLC exports "moving image"*.]
two-dimensional moving image [SLC exports "moving image"*.]

*Truncated for 245$h; exported in full for 336.

337 Media type

Follow each term except "electronic" with $2rdamedia; follow electronic with $2isbdmedia.

Change "computer" to "electronic$2isbdcarrier" if present.

Not exported as part of 245$h.

Fields 338 336 not exported as 245$h if "[volume : text]

[electronic] [SLC uses ISBD Area 0 term. rather than RDA's "computer".]
unmediated [SLC 338 336 not exported as 245$h]

338 Carrier type

Follow each term with $2rdacarrier, except equipment and kit $2mricarrier.

For systems requiring 245$h, field 338 is exported as first half of compound GMD, e.g., 245$h[online resource : text].

Notice an addition at Unmediated.

1) Audio carriers

audio cartridge
audio cylinder
audio disc
sound-track reel
audio roll
audiotape reel

2) Electronic carriers

computer card
computer chip cartridge
computer disc
computer disc cartridge
computer tape cartridge
computer tape cassette
computer tape reel
online resource

3) Microform carriers

aperture card
microfiche cassette
microfilm cartridge
microfilm cassette
microfilm reel
microfilm roll
microfilm slip

4) Microscopic carriers

microscope slide

5) Projected image carriers

film cartridge
film cassette
film reel
film roll
filmstrip cartridge
overhead transparency
slide [Use for photographic slides only]

5) Stereographic carriers

stereograph card
stereograph disc

6) Unmediated carriers

[kit] [even though some items in the kit might require mediation]
volume [Do not export; do not create 245$h if 338 is "volume" and 336 is "text".]

7) Video carriers

video cartridge
videotape reel

MARC codes for RDA carriers