Title Tracing
J. McRee (Mac) Elrod
4 August 2011
When there is a 1XX one gets a title added entry by first indicator 1, e.g., 245 1; If there is no 1XX, the 1st indicator is 0, e.g., 245 0.
The second 245 indicator says how many spaces to skip in filing, thus a title staring "A" gets 245 02 or 245 12; "An" 245 03 or 245 13; "The" 245 04 or 245 14.
Other title added entries which represent the whole work are coded 246. There is no filing indicator, so initial articles have to be dropped. The 1st indicator says make a note (1) or don't make a note (3). The second indicator says where the title came from, thus 246 30 $a<Portion of title>, 246 31 $a<Parallel title>, 246 3 $a<Other title> (e.g. one with numbers spelled out, or "&" in the first five words spelled out as "and"), 246 14 $a<Cover title> (from this point on, one
wants a note as well), 246 15 $a<Added title page title> (e.g. the French title for a 546 $aText in English and French on inverted pages), 246 16 $a<Caption title. (at the top of pages), and 246 18 $a<Spine title>. If text is needed for which there is no indicator, one uses $i, e.g., 246 1 $iAt head of title:$a<From head of title>.
A title added entry which represents a part of the book, e.g., a title from a 505 contents note is coded 840 2; a title entry which represents another work, e.g., the work which this work supplements, is coded 740, no indicator.
A 240 uniform title, e.g., the original title for a translated work some prefer as 246 1 $iTranslation of:$a<Original title>.
With serials one may have a 780 earlier form of title or 785 later form of title.
First indicators:
0 = Note, no title added entry
Better to just do a 500.
1 = Note, title added entry
Most common, if not a portion of 245.
2 = No note, no title added entry
Why bother?
3 = No note, title added entry
Common when a portion of 245, correcting a mistake in 245, or spelling out a number or symbol in 245
In other words, use only 1 (if you want a note) and 3 (if you don't). Since many systems don't display 246 (it's not part of the ISBD) there is no point to enter one unless a note and/or search key is wanted.
245 04 $aTitle :$bsubtitle = Parallel title : subtitle.
246 30 $a<Distinctive subtitle.>
246 30 $a<Other language title.>
246 14 $a<Title on cover.>
246 1 $iAt head of title:$a<What's at head of title.>
The ILS should produce these notes from 246 14 and 246 1 $i:
500 $aCover title: Title from cover
500 $aAt head of title: What's at head of title
MARC has no period at the end of 246. Few systems supply it as needed at the end of 500, so SLC supplies it.
The repeat, field 246 should only be used for title which represent the whole work. The only exception is 246 02 for the distinctive title of a volume within a serial, e.g., the distinctive title given one year of a year book. The works within an item are coded 740 2; related works 740.