MRIs: AACR2 Rule Interpretations
Chapter 11: Microforms
11.0 | Revise 11.1C in contents to read: 11.1C. Media terms
11.0B2 | Delete second sentence.
11.1-11 | Delete [GMD] from all examples.
11.1C | Revise heading to read: 11.1C. Optional addition. Media terms
11.1C1 | Delete and replace with: 11.1C1. Optional addition. Media terms 1.9C1. Optionally, Give the appropriate media terms as instructed in 1.1C.. Display media terms after title proper, or preceding all descriptive data in accord with International Bibliographic Description (ISBD) Area 0, or substitute icons based on MARC21 fixed fields.
11.2B1 | Revise examples to read: Second edition. New edition. Memorial edition. Micro edition.
11.2B3 | Revise examples to read: [Revised edition] [ Deuxième édition ]
11.2B5 | Revise example to read: Finnegans wake. Second edition ; Ulysses /James Joyce
11.2D1 | Revise example to read: Third edition, Corrected
11.3C1 | Revise examples to read: Library resources & technical services. – Volume 16, number 1 (Winter 1972) – The yellow book : an illustrated quarterly. – Volume 1 (April 1894)—volume 13 (April 1897)
11.5B2 | Revise examples to read: 2 microfiches (147 frames) 1 microfiche (120 frames) 3 microfiches (about 120 frames each)
11.5B3 | Revise first example to read: on number 3 of 4 microfilm cassettes
11.5C2 | Revise first through third and fifth examples to read: 1 microfilm cassette : illustrations 1 microfiche : all illustrations 1 microfiche : illustrations, music 1 microfiche reel : negative, illustrations
11.5C3 | Revise to read: 11.5C3. If a microform is wholly or partly coloured, give colour . If it also contains coloured illustrations, give colour, coloured illustrations (or the name of specific illustrations). If only some of the illustrations are coloured, give colour, illustrations (some coloured) (or the name of specific illustrations, (some coloured) ) Revise examples to read: 1 microfiche reel : colour 1 microfiche reel : colour, coloured illustrations 1 microfiche reel : coloured maps
11.5D2 | Revise example to read: 20 aperture cards ; 9 x 19 cm
11.5D3 | Revise examples to read: 1 microfiche ; 12 x 17 cm 2 microfiches ; 11 x 15 cm – 12 x 17 cm
11.5D4 | Revise examples to read: 1 microfilm reel ; 16 mm 1 microfilm cartridge ; 35 mm
11.5D5 | Revise example to read: 5 microopaques ; 8 x 13 cm
11.5E1 | Revise examples to read: 1 microfilm reel ; 16 mm + 1 manual 1 microfilm reel ; 16 mm + 1 volume (30 pages : illustrations ; 22 cm)
11.6B1 | Add new second example: (History of the Pacific Northwest ; PNW number 204) (Microfilms / Research Publications, Inc. ; reel 20)
11.7 | Revise example to read: “Edited … by T.N. Jackson” – Preface
11.7B1 | Revise example to read: Collection of 18 th century manuscripts
11.7B7 | Revise example to read: Previous microfiche edition, 1998.
11.7B11 | Revise examples to read: With brief notes (3 pages) In container with facsimile reproductions of pages 1-8 of original
11.7B16 | Revise example to read: Issued also on 16 mm microfilm
11.7B22 | Revise examples to read: Reproduction of: Endymion , by the Author of Lothair. London, England : Longmans, Green and Co. 3 volumes ; 20 cm Reproduction of: Second edition. London : Royal Geographic Society, 1924. 1 atlas (5 volumes) : 450 maps ; 31 cm (Atlases of the Western world ; number 17) Reproduction of: Volume 3, number 58 (April 21, 1841)-volume 4, number 126 (September 26, 1843). Manchester, Lancashire : Printed and published by John Gadsby. 93 numbers : illustrations, map, music ; 30-50 cm. Frequency varies. Continues: Anti-Corn Law circular. Continued by: The League Reproduction of: London [England] : Printed for the editor, [1798-1807]. 1 score (3 volumes) ; 32 cm
Append microform manufacturer to original imprint in publisher, distribution area. |